Don't Let It Melt IMG_3034.JPG

Don't Let It Melt

from $990.00
sweet stack_sculpture_marie aubeline hiot_.jpeg sweet stack_sculpture_marie aubeline hiot_ice pop_ice cream.jpeg

Sweet Stack

Pink Lemonade 66949877-A5C9-44FD-9F4A-03A30E613324_1_105_c.jpeg

Pink Lemonade

Don't Let It Melt

Don't Let It Melt

Ice Ice Baby III Marie Aubeline Hiot_Ice pop_sculpture_2024_mango_raspberry_theotherartfairsydney_french_marie_ice_pop_double.JPG

Ice Ice Baby III

Soft Sunday IMG_3276.JPG

Soft Sunday

Citron Vert (Lime) just+like+a+sunday+morning+Marie+Aubeline+hiot+%283%29.jpg

Citron Vert (Lime)

Pretty Damn Cool III IMG_1754.JPG

Pretty Damn Cool III

Intensément Pistache SOLD Marie Aubeline Hiot Artist Food Pasry Chef French
sold out

Intensément Pistache SOLD

Citron Meringué SOLD IMG_3539.JPEG
sold out

Citron Meringué SOLD

I Don't Know What To Get! (Je Ne Sais Pas Quoi Prendre!) SOLD idontknowwhattoget_MarieAubelineHiot_NAS1.jpg
sold out

I Don't Know What To Get! (Je Ne Sais Pas Quoi Prendre!) SOLD

Intensément Vanille SOLD Marie Aubeline Hiot Artist Food Pasry Chef French
sold out

Intensément Vanille SOLD

French Delicacy II, 102x31cm

French Delicacy II, 102x31cm

IMG_3379.JPG IMG_3363.JPG

Sweet Layers

A Night In II, 40x30cm IMG_2515.jpg

A Night In II, 40x30cm

A Table!, 100x80cm A table! - 100x80cm Marie Aubeline Hiot - oil on convas .jpeg

A Table!, 100x80cm

Gourmandise, 30x30cm (x3) 3.jpg

Gourmandise, 30x30cm (x3)

from $740.00
Sweet Moment and Sips of Happiness, 80x80cm IMG_9871.jpeg

Sweet Moment and Sips of Happiness, 80x80cm

1A3F3B8D-F290-44CD-A22B-5D3E761B8D44 6BAA91A4-A215-47A0-AFE4-A5B0D827984B
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Vanilla Splash SOLD

Chill Out IX (SOLD) Marie Aubeline Hiot_Ice pop_sculpture_2024_mango_raspberry_theotherartfairsydney_french_marie_.JPG
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Chill Out IX (SOLD)

Pretty Cool II

Pretty Cool II

Just like Summer in France, 30x30cm Marie Aubeline Hiot_artist_oil paint_tomatoes_30x30cm_blue_ food painting.jpeg

Just like Summer in France, 30x30cm
